31 March 2011

Train of Life..

Some folks ride the train of life
Looking out the rear,
Watching miles of life roll by,
And marking every year.

They sit in sad remembrance,
Of wasted days gone by,
And curse their life for what it was,
And hang their head and cry.

But I don't concern myself with that,
I took a different vent,
I look forward to what life holds,
And not what has been spent.

So strap me to the engine,
As securely as I can be,
I want to be out on the front,
To see what I can see.

I want to feel the winds of change,
Blowing in my face,
I want to see what life unfolds,
As I move from place to place.

I want to see what's coming up,  
Not looking at the past,
Life's too short for yesterdays,
It moves along too fast.

So if the ride gets bumpy,
While you are looking back,

Go up front, and you may find,
Your life has jumped the track.

It's all right to remember,
That's part of history,
But up front's where it's happening,
There's so much mystery.

The enjoyment of living,
Is not where we have been,
It's looking ever forward,
To another year and ten.

It's searching all the byways,
Never should you refrain,
For if you want to live your life,
You gotta drive the train!

~author unknown~

Life is a Miracle..

Life is a miracle, don't let it slip away,
Open your heart to others; give of yourself each day.

See the beauty in everyone regardless
 of where they've been,
Some have a difficult journey and really need a friend.

Share your gifts and talents; listen with your heart.
Do the things you dream about but don't

 have time to start.

Pick a bouquet of flowers; show someone
 that you care,
Be gracious and forgiving; life is never fair.

Hold on to your courage, you may need
it down the road,
We all have a cross to bear; it could be a heavy load.

If you practice all these things no matter 
where you roam,
You may find both sun and rain, but you'll

 never feel alone. 

Fathers are Special....

Fathers are special people,
Who we often take for granted.
We do not give them high praises
Or enough credit.
For all he has done
To provide for his family.
He has done what a man suppose to.
He gives himself unselfishly.
Fathers make many sacrifices,
Just like mothers do,
But do we once tell our fathers,
Father, thank you.
He struggles each day,
To be a hero in his family's eyes.
He is the protector and the provider.
In him is where the strength lies.
Fathers aren't the kind of people,
Who shows their emotions,
But when you look inside his heart,
You know his true notions.
Father's are special people,
In many different ways.
He is what makes a family whole.
We need that now these days.
Fathers are like our heavenly  father,
Who sits high above.
We can always depend on him,
To give his undying love.



A teacher from Primary School asks her students to write a essay about what they would like God to do for them... At the end of the day, while marking the essays,she read one that made her very emotional.

Her husband, who had just walked in, saw her crying and asked her:- 'What happened?' 

She answered- 'Read this. It is one of my students' essay.' 

'Oh God, tonight I ask you something very special : 
Make me into a television. I want to take its place and live like the TV in my house. 
Have my own special place, And have my family around ME. 
To be taken seriously when I talk.... 
I want to be the centre of attention and be heard without interruptions or questions. 
I want to receive the same special care that theTV receives even when it is not working. 
Have the company of my dad when he arrives home from work, even when he is tired. 
And I want my mom to want me when she is sad and upset, instead of ignoring me... 
And... I want my brothers to fight to be with me... 
I want to feel that family just leaves everything aside, every now and then, just to spend some time with me. 
And last but not least, ensure that I can make them all happy and entertain them... 
Lord I don't ask you for much... I just want to live like a TV.' 
At that moment the husband said :- 'My God, poor kid. What horrible parents!' 

The wife looked up at him and said:- 'That essay is our son's !!!