Once a philosopher asked the emperor Alexander, “Your Excellency, what will be your next goal after conquering Rome?”
“Cicily is next to Rome. It will be an easy task. So my next aim is to conquer Cicily,” he replied.
“After that…?” the philosopher continued.
“After that I will turn to Africa and defeat Carthage.”
“After Carthage?”
“Greece will be my next target.”
Again the philosopher asked courteously, “Your Excellency, if you don’t mind, please explain me the advantage of all these victories?”
“After conquering the world I will enjoy my life in peace.”
“Then why don’t you enjoy your life now?”
History reveals that his dreams were not fulfilled. He had to bid farewell to this world long before he could sit and enjoy life in peace. His kingdom got divided. He met with the same fate that doomed the lives of many who wished to become the wealthiest and mightiest in the world.
Life cannot be maintained happily with our achievements and gains. We do not need anything new in order to make our life more joyful. The presumption that more wealth and status would give us more happiness is foolishness. We can maintain happiness in life, here and now. For that, we need a serene heart. We can derive it from our faith and dependence in God.
Ambition to become bigger and greater will gradually destroy our serenity of heart. When we travel in a fast-moving vehicle, we would feel the trees and the crowd outside flashing away quickly. On the other hand, if the vehicle runs in a moderate speed the pictures by the wayside can be seen very clearly.
Similarly, we will be able to experience the beauty of a flower, the warmth of moonlight and the tenderness of relationships only if we make our minds calm. Over speed can always cause danger. So we must find out enough time to pray, to love, to be alone in solitude… If we gain everything in life and miss happiness, that will be a big tragedy.
“The Lord your God will lead you on every side” (Isa. 52: 12).
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