The story is told about a pastor of a small congregation. He kept a meticulous register of all his parishioners. So convinced was he of life after death, and of the promises of Jesus about eternal life that whenever a parishioner died, he did not delete the name from the register. He simply wrote after the person’s name, "Changed residence. Gone to live elsewhere!”
Dear friends, don’t dread. God loves you. He will take care of you. Many live in dread of what is coming, why should we?
The unknown puts adventure into life. It gives us something to sharpen our souls on. The unexpected around the corner gives a sense of anticipation and surprise.
Thank god for the unknown future. If we saw all good things which are coming to us, we would sit down and degenerate. If we saw all the evil things, we would be paralyzed. How merciful God is to lift the curtain on, today; and as we get strength today to meet tomorrow, then to lift the curtain on the next day. He is a considerate God.
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